Sea-licious OMEGA-3

SoMe Sealicious Omega-3

Delicious fruit flavour and no fishy aftertaste

Supports healthy mood and brain

Improves learning, memory, and focus

Boosts heart, joint, and skin health

Reduces inflammation and pain

Natural flavours and sweeteners

Sea-licious is not only a tasty treat, but also the only fish oil made with astaxanthin – a powerful antioxidant. The fish oils also have the highest natural ratio of omega-3s EPA and DHA. This nutrition comes with an added guarantee for your family’s health. Sea-licious is tested pure and contaminant-free by ISURA®, and is also 5-star certified by IFOS™.

Healthy living, nutrition, family, friendships, balance, and a passion for life are the inspirations behind the development of Sea-licious omega oils. Sea-licious prides itself on being a five-star IFOS-certified omega-3 oil, the highest quality fish oil on the market, excelling and exceeding in quality assurance while being big on flavour. What’s more, Sea-licious products contain astaxanthin, one of the most powerful antioxidants available today.


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