Floradix & Floravit Liquid Iron Formulas

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Floradix Liquid Iron Formula is clinically proven to quickly raise serum ferritin levels (iron levels) in the body, thereby restoring energy and well-being

  • Formulated for those with low iron or anemia
  • Easily absorbed, non-constipating formula.
  • Contains B Vitamins and Vitamin C for enhanced absorption
  • Vegetarian, kosher, no additives, preservatives, added sugars or alcohol
  • Naturopath recommended
Floravdix Liquid Iron Formula
Floravit Liquid Iron Formula 2

Floravit Liquid Iron Formula is clinically proven to quickly raise serum ferritin levels (iron levels) in the body, thereby restoring energy and well-being

  • Helps pregnant and nursing women reach adequate serum ferritin levels (iron levels). Naturopath and Midwife recommended.
  • Easily absorbed, non-constipating formula.
  • Contains B Vitamins and Vitamin C for enhanced absorption
  • Vegan, gluten free, kosher, no additives, preservatives, added sugars or alcohol

$15 savings on shrink packs!*

*while supplies last’

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